Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Counterfeit Incidents Maintain Record Rate in 2012

According to, the reported incidents of counterfeit electronic component parts this year has been maintaining the record pace set in 2011. This proves that counterfeit parts are a serious and growing risk to the electronic supply chain.

Among other reporting agencies, GIDEP and ERAI have made significant majority of these reports.

Please see the chart below.

For full article, please click here.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

U.S. Department of Justice Stops Russian "Scheme"

According to BIS.DOC.GOV, the U.S. Department of Justice has arrested and charged 11 members of a Russian military procurement network operating in Texas and Russia.

Since October 2008 to present, this scheme was used. Those involved were obtaining "advanced, technologically cutting-edge microelectronics from manufacturers and suppliers located with the UNited States and to export those high-tech goods to Russia". The American company is known as Arc Electronics, Inc.

For the whole article, please click here.